Death comes for us all (a melodramatic haiku of retirement)
Alas! this blog is
no longer where it is at.
Onwards! (Back to home.)

guts and garters

It's all fun and games until someone loses molecular cohesion.

Friday, April 11, 2008

I have a MySpace, but I can't remember what/where it is and I could never figure out how to log into it, making the average 13-year-old emo kid smarter than I am but, y'know? I'm ok with that because at least I can bend over in jeans without flashing. In any case, the MySpace newsletter asked me if I was "a fan of the Chaser's WOE". And I realised after a moment that they meant War On Everything, but for that moment all I could think was, "I don't think the Chaser has woe, just anarchic glee."