Death comes for us all (a melodramatic haiku of retirement)
Alas! this blog is
no longer where it is at.
Onwards! (Back to home.)

guts and garters

It's all fun and games until someone loses molecular cohesion.

Friday, May 23, 2008

It gets to the point where the silence has stretched on so long that whatever comes next has to be really good. Because clearly you've been working on it all this time. Right?

Well, not so much. But someone did play funny-bugger with the History section of the Belfast wikipedia entry. (Why were you looking at the Belfast wikipedia entry? I hear you ask. I don't even remember.) And since I'm pretty sure it's going to be changed as soon as someone without a sense of humour twigs to what's happened, I thought it should be saved for posterity.

In fact, scratch that, it's already been changed. Damn our fascist oppressors. But take my word for it, for at least five minutes yesterday, the history section looked like this:
"Belfast (pronounced Bel-fawst or spank-diddly anxious) is a small commune on the Northeast coast of Ireland. It is the capital city of the Northern Irish empire and is believed to be the largest city ever visited by Bill Clinton. Its world famous smell emanates from the grand river Lagan. Which is named after the infamous Laganside Gangs. The city straddles the Co. Terapatrick and Co. Teaganpresley borders on a regular basis, but sometimes it just prefers the missionary position. The Citys major flavour is that of pork scratchings, any visitors planning on visiting the mighty city should bend over and give the pavement a lick - "A Must" said the Independant.

Belfast is famous in the world of chance having been the winning place for a lottery ticket. The Lottery prizes were: 1st Prize: 1 Weeks Holiday for 1 in Belfast 2nd Prize: 2 Weeks Holiday for 2 in Belfast and so on ad infinitum

The name Belfast orginates from the Irish Quitçherfeaichinárséodoúrs or Just count yourself lucky it's not France and is a reference to the fact that the French once tried to steal the city and ship it to Japan-France. Bastards. Cheeky Monkeys."

The world would be a better place if more things ended with "cheeky monkeys". I'm just saying.