Death comes for us all (a melodramatic haiku of retirement)
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no longer where it is at.
Onwards! (Back to home.)

guts and garters

It's all fun and games until someone loses molecular cohesion.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Priceline doesn't often make you think.

Actually, that's rubbish, because there's nothing like a whole frigging aisle of subtly different versions of the same personal-grooming item to paralyse you with indecision such that you're still there, muttering, "But do I need it to have a moisturising strip as well?" when they close.

But the thinking today was of an (arguably) higher nature. Making my lightning raid upon Priceline (you've got to keep moving, it's the only way to possibly avoid the paralysis) I overheard on the radio station they were piping in (to increase general torpidity) an advertising spot that used the phrase: "Me Sully, you Neytiri."

It made me guffaw.

And then it made me think fond and condescending thoughts about the generational shift.

And then it made me think about that more deeply.

Because, I think we'll all agree, the standard concept of Tarzan-and-Jane goes something like this, which is pretty definitely a pre-bra-burning sort of image. Jane clings to Tarzan, she's reliant upon his strength, she's helpless as he heaves her about the jungle. Oh, her calming/gentle/personal grooming influence is vital, but she's not really an independent lady.

Neytiri, on the other hand, is not to be trifled with. She came packing, wanders about the forest making it her mind-melded bitch, and she will fuck your shit up. Now, sure, she likes her some pretty buff marine and she does sort of hop on his motorcycle towards the end of the movie (but I forgive that, because I'd want a go on that beast as well, and I'm not talking about Sam Worthington here). But she is, no doubts about it, a strong, independent sister who's doing it for herself.

I sneer a lot about the generation gap, because clearly if you didn't know Nirvana, watch James Valentine hosting the Afternoon Show, and play the original Doom, you are missing out. But if Tarzan-and-Jane is being swapped out for Sully-and-Neytiri in the popular consciousness, then bring on the paradigm shift.